Holiday Happenings

2019-11-21T10:46:29-08:00November 8th, 2019|Itineraries, Seasonal|

Another exciting holiday season is approaching here in Abbotsford and there is no shortage of ways to celebrate the joyous occasion. Laugh, stroll and play under the twinkle of a million lights at Glow Abbotsford, take in a Holiday Show at Highstreet or shop the local European-style Christmas Markets. We'll see you [...]

Discover Downtown Abbotsford

2020-01-24T14:02:45-08:00November 4th, 2019|Attractions, Itineraries, Shopping|

In one of Abbotsford’s oldest neighborhoods, you’ll find a thriving community of shops, restaurants, cafes and service providers. What was once the bustling city center of Abbotsford, the Historic Downtown area saw a period of decline through the ’90s but has since been revitalized and is enjoying a re-emergence as Abbotsford’s shopping [...]

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