The iconic show, which began in 1928, attracts attendees from all over the lower mainland. There will be many varieties of daffodils on display, most of them developed right here
Event Details
The iconic show, which began in 1928, attracts attendees from all over the lower mainland. There will be many varieties of daffodils on display, most of them developed right here in Bradner. There will also be plants and shrubs for sale at wholesale prices from vendors who do not normally sell to the public. An array of crafts and art will also be on display and for sale. Decorating for the show will be done by the floral design experts at Simply Perfect Flowers of Abbotsford.
Our Tea Room features soups, sandwiches and goodies all made fresh in our licensed kitchen. As always, all proceeds from cut flower sales will be donated to Abbotsford Regional Hospital.
This year’s show promises to be extra fun as we welcome Scruffles the Clown who will open the show on Friday, April 12th at 2 pm. Scruffles is well known for his mastery of balloon creations. Come see what clowns and flowers have in common. You may be surprised!